
Our therapy and coaching methods

Person-centered therapy / Conversational Psychotherapy according to Carl Rogers

Our conversational psychotherapy reflects a humanistic and kind attitude in conversations, supported by active listening and exploring our client’s inner maps.

Each person is an island unto himself, in a very real sense; and he can only build bridges to other islands if he is first of all willing to be himself and permitted to be himself. — Carl Rogers

EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

EMDR is one of the most famous and effective trauma therapy methods worldwide. The right and the left cerebral hemisphere are supported by eye movement and by tactile or auditive stimuli to ensure a better exchange of information or to integrate former experiences without emotional breakdowns.

Imagine passing by your traumatic experience seated in a train, safely protected in the wagon, and integrating everything that was not possible back then. — Source unknown

Grief Counselling (BVT)

We experience grief and loss in multiple areas of life. In the end, every transformation or change process is also a process of grief. In KOR® Academy our clients experience grief counselling in the form of reflection, self-development and clearly perceptible resilience.

Every change is preceded by loss. — Stephanie Gotthardt

Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Metaphors can affect a distanced form of self-identification and be helpful in challenging life circumstances to actively change things. Hypnosis is a good example of its effectiveness.

Change will lead to insight more often than insight will lead to change. — Milton H. Erickson

Somatic Experience according to Peter Levine (USA)

Somatic Experience (SE) is a trauma therapy focused on the body. One of its key messages is that our body is our real memory, saving all our experiences. By activating specific memories, we can often perceive in our body exactly the same feelings as years before while re-living the original experience.

Somatic Experience is a patented and legally protected type of therapy which only SE practitioner are allowed to apply after a three-year training.

When we lose our orientation, emotions freeze inside of us. — Peter Levine

Systemic Coaching / Systemic Therapy

In systemic approaches, we examine and analyze life circumstances, biographies and sometimes even life stories of ancestors. Personal beliefs and life structures always adapt to an active or previous system. We analyze and balance them in order for apersonal, free, and independent life script can be created for the individual.

KOR® „The Coaching“ / KOR® „The Therapy“

KOR® „The Coaching“ / KOR® „The Therapy“ is a coaching and therapy method derived from EMDR and systemic therapy. It was developed by Stephanie Gotthard and achieves highly effective long-lasting results.

KOR® „The Coaching“/KOR® „The Therapy“ is a registered and legally protected trademark, which can only be declared through a further training at KOR® Academy.

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