Eye movement, tapping techniques, auditory stimuli, imagination, KOR® documentation
Consultants, coaches, therapists, grief counsellors, personnel managers, executives, etc.
3 days
KOR® Keys of Resonance Academy, Oberschallemich 1 in Odenthal/near Cologne
or as in-house training within your organization
This workshop can be held in German and English.
KOR® EyeResonance is an advanced coaching / therapy / grief counselling concept which can promptly and effectively provide relief to clients in challenging life situations / crises. At the same time, KOR® EyeResonance implies the stabilization and enhancement of resources.
This method evolves its effects through eye stimulation, tapping techniques, and auditory stimuli, focusing on body awareness at all times. KOR® EyeResonance has its origins in the EMDR method developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro. Particularly, KOR® EyeResonance is complemented by including sensory modalities and body awareness. KOR® EyeResonance is an effective key for vigorously monitoring and supporting individual persons as well as groups. When working with their clients, coaches / therapists / grief counsellors / personnel managers apply KOR® EyeResonance, utilizing eye movements, tapping techniques, and the auditory canal.
KOR® EyeResonance is one of three sequential further education modules, each of them complete in itself. The second KOR® ‘MethodKey’ is named KOR® SystemicResonance, while the third KOR® “MethodKey”, called KOR® Practitioner, tops it off.