KOR® training seminar

Certified specialist in therapeutic grief counselling (KOR®)

qualified as an alternative practitioner (Heilpraktiker) in psychotherapy


  • Theory, basic knowledge, and humane dealing with “Grief and Transition in Life Crises”
  • What is grief and what characterises grief disorders?
  • 120 hours of theoretical instruction, preparing the “alternative practitioner (Heilpraktiker) in psychotherapy” examination as a prerequisite for statutory approval
  • (Psychopathological assessment / anamnesis, acquaintance with the syndromes according to ICD-10 / ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases) in their entirety, special focus on persistent grief disorders, pharmacology, suicidality, psychotherapy methods particularly in grief processes, etc.)
  • 1 day work experience in a funeral service
  • Basic skills in psychological talk therapy
  • Resource work with EMDR and KOR® EyeResonance
  • Basic knowledge in systemic family therapy & KOR® SystemicResonance

Aims / Benefits

  • After certification, you are legally authorised to treat psychiatric disorders, among others, persistent grief disorders as listed in ICD-11. Thus qualified, you can submit your application to various social institutions, hospices, grief associations, funeral services, etc., or you may opt for self-employment – we will be happy to give advice on how to proceed.
  • You are entitled to submit your invoices to many private health insurance companies, to supplementary insurers for practitioners, and sporadically to statutory health insurance agencies as well.
  • You are legally protected by the public health authority’s statutory approval – complemented by a professional liability insurance, which we strongly recommend.

Course length:
5×2 Tage Module
2 Module in Präsenz in Bergisch Gladbach
3 Module Online

David Roth
Private Trauer Akademie Pütz-Roth
Stephanie Gotthardt
KOR® Keys of Resonance Academy

Alternating instructors specialised in different core subjects

This training course is offered in German and English.

Residential health authority (after passing the oral and written exams)
Private Trauer Akademie Pütz-Roth &
KOR® Keys of Resonance Academy

Private Trauer Akademie Pütz-Roth in Bergisch Gladbach / bei Köln & KOR® Keys of Resonance Academy Odenthal / nahe Köln

3500 Euro

Please note that examination fees may vary from one health authority to another and are not included in the course cost.

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